How to manage high blood pressure and how to lower it

Healthy diet and exercise are the key for improving blood pressure.

Blood pressure can be a serious illness that requires attention. Even with early detection and treatment, it is quite dangerous. It can lead to strokes and heart attack. If you have healthy diet and exercise then you don’t have to worry with your high blood pressure. However, if you have a heart attack then you should take your medicine. But if you start to have chest pain then it is time to start a treatment.

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It is important to understand what is high blood pressure. People who have high blood pressure are prone to having a stroke, kidney failure, heart attack, and stroke. They may suffer from high blood pressure for a long period and have trouble in treating it. Blood pressure can be controlled by two things. Healthy diet and exercise can control blood pressure. They will have to take medicines for controlling high blood pressure in the long term. There are various methods to control high blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure and you are taking medication for it then it is better to consult medical experts.

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Doctors will give you drugs that will be ideal for you. There are various medicines available that can be used for controlling high blood pressure. The doctor prescribes medicines depending on your medical history, past medical history, and general symptoms. OTC medicines can lower your blood pressure. However, they do come with side effects and they may not be very effective to reduce your blood pressure. Still a good way to keep your blood pressure in check is by jumping rope.